The FX sales available to customer on this service are as follows as shown on the FX Purchase module dropdown below.

  1. Personal Travel Allowance
  2. Business Travel Allowance
  3. Medical Fees
  4. School Fees
  5. Upkeep Allowance


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PTA – Personal Travel Allowance

Click on the select icon under PTA to proceed with this application type


Fill out the purchase details as the percentage grid on the left-hand side increases to 100% upon completion and then click on next to move to the next form.

…Click Next



The Next form is the Applicant details

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…Fill all fields correctly and select Next


Fill the flight itinerary correctly and click Next



Fill out the purpose form and select the payment mode preferable to you


If bank account transfer/debit is selected, applicant’s naira account details will be required,

However, if cash point is selected, the applicant will be required to input the bank and branch information below.





Upon completion of the application form, the applicant will be required to upload some required documents.

Upload all required documents and check the declaration box to proceed.

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Click on the preview option to ensure all information provided are correct then submit


Upon submission, A reference number will be generated 


BTA – Business Travel Allowance

This purchase has same requirements as the PTA purchase with exception on the Document page where the Letter of Debit instruction, Evidence of Invitation and Inviter Company Introduction Letter are all required.

Medical Fee 

After selecting the Medical Fees option,the below shows


Select the Sale type, either for self or others and input all required fields


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Kindly input the applicants details correctly and select next


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Input flight itinerary and ensure the flight duration is calculated and stated



Input beneficiary’s details and the naira account number to be debited for the FX application and click next to fill the next form

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Proceed to preview request and submit to allow for the reference number to be generated alongside the “Electronic form A”


School Fees

Same as the medical except that for documents are required: Order of school fee payment, admission supporting document, admission letter, student VISA, Letter of debit instruction.


Upkeep Allowance

Same process as that of School Fee




NOTE: Full details on the Application and “Form A” are also available for review

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Electronic Form A Sample.