Q: What is MultiPay?

A: The MutiPay service is an API that caters to customers with bulk payment needs. 


Q: How can I use it?

A: Clients are expected to integrate to the service and build a front end around it for bulk payment use-cases. Clients are expected use the created front ends to upload bulk payment schedules to process payments


Q: How many payment items can I upload in a schedule?

A: The platform can process more than 100,000 payment items in single file schedule. Multiple payment schedules can be uploaded, one after the other.


Q: What is a Schedule?

A: A schedule is a document containing the relevant payment details of the beneficiaries, a typical payment schedule contains:

  • Beneficiary account name
  • Beneficiary account number
  • Beneficiary bank
  • Amount to be paid
  • Narration

NB: The file format for a schedule is CSV


Q: How does MultiPay process transactions?

A: Transactions are processed instantly on the MultiPay platform leveraging on the NIP.


Q: what is the fees for a Multipay transaction ?

A:  The client pays N5 per credit to the account.



Q: What can I do when i process a transaction and it fails?

A: In cases of failed transactions that resulted to an account debit, details of the transaction (payment schedule) should be logged on the NIBSS Helpdesk Portal (https://contactcentre.nibss-plc.com.ng) for prompt resolution.